Welcome to Disha Manav Kalyan Avm Utthan Samiti

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30th August


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Welcome to Disha Manav Kalyan Avm Utthan Samiti

Disha Manav Kalyan Avam Utthan Shamiti: Making a Difference on Multiple FrontsDisha Manav Kalyan Avam Utthan Shamiti (DMKUAUS) isn't just committed to social betterment; they're actively making a positive impact on various aspects of life in Uttar Pradesh, India. Here's a glimpse into some of the areas they're tackling:

1. Road Safety
2. Skill Development
3. Women Empowerment
4. Cultural Awareness
5. Environment and Drinking Water
6. Health Safety

Social welfare organisations for the underprivileged people

Disha Manav Kalyan Avm Utthan Samiti is working dedicatedly and came up with the multiple health care and educational programs.
Apart from imparting the free education and health facilities to the deprived children, we have also launched the number of awareness programs to promote the overall development in them. This social welfare society NGO has spread across India and oversea countries and catering to the necessities of the people there.

5-Points Career Development Model

  • Self-assessment.

  • Make a personal commitment.

  • Develop a road map and action plan.

  • Take Action.

  • Self-reflection

Delivering smiles from kids to elders

Disha Manav Kalyan Avam Utthan Shamiti: Making a Difference on Multiple Fronts

Disha Manav Kalyan Avam Utthan Shamiti (DMKUAUS) isn't just committed to social betterment; they're actively making a positive impact on various aspects of life in Uttar Pradesh, India. Here's a glimpse into some of the areas they're tackling: